White Teeth

Bleach your teeth on your own can be very dangerous!

A person’s smile is one of their most remarkable and look at feature. To make their smile more attractive, many people go through different dental cosmetic procedures. This often involves dental braces, porcelain veneers, teeth whitening and many more. Teeth whitening is the most accessible process due to the existence of over-the-counter whitening kits at your local stores.

The prices tend to beat the prices provided by your dentist. The accommodation is bearable and the procedure is simple. Many people do not know is the convenience of these whitening kits only adds to the already increasing case of teeth-whitening obsession. This obsession is called bleachorexia. Teeth bleaching solutions usually contain peroxide, which in large amounts can irritate the gum until it recedes. In result, the teeth will become more brittle and unhealthier. The chemical also eats away at the tooth enamel, revealing the natural yellow undertone of the teeth. Instead of whitening, over-bleaching may result in darker-looking teeth.

People who want healthier, whiter teeth have different options for the procedure:

  •      In-Office Whitening Treatment, which is carried out by dentists and usually has faster results;
  •      Take-Home Whitening Kits, which dentists prescribe to patients either as support for in-office treatment or as the option itself;

The commercially manufactured, over-the-counter whitening kits usually do not have the approval of professional dental associations, so it is better to leave the process to the professionals.

Why Should you check yout teeth ever 6 months

Why should you get a teeth cleaning every six months?

Have you ever wondered why the American Dental Association and your dentist recommend you come back every six months? It is because regular dental visits are essential for the maintenance of healthy teeth and gums. And in between those examinations, it is important that you work to keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy. Start by visiting your dentist regularly. Cavities are one of the biggest problems most of the time, they are preventable. While six months is the “standard” time between dental visits, if you could be at higher risk for cavities, you might need to visit us more often. During your check-up appointment, your dentist or dental hygienist will likely evaluate the health of your gums, perform a head and neck examination and examine your mouth for any indications of oral cancer, diabetes or vitamin deficiencies.

Next, your dentist assesses the state of your teeth and gums by:

  • Examining the gums
  • Teeth Cleaning
  • Looking for signs of gum disease
  • Checking for loose teeth
  • Looking at the tissues inside of your mouth
  • Examining your tongue
  • Checking your bite
  • Looking for visual evidence of tooth decay
  • Checking for broken teeth
  • Checking for damaged fillings
  • Looking for changes in the gums covering teeth
  • Evaluating any dental appliance you may have
  • Checking the contact between your teeth
  • Taking X-rays
  • Do not be surprised if your dentist also examines your face, bite, saliva and movement of your lower jaw joints. Your dentist or dental hygienist will then clean your teeth.
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